Sunday, July 5, 2020

Week #13 ................. Class 5

Parents’ Guideline:  Class 5

Week # 13:   (06-07-2020) - Subject: English Literature

06 – 07 – 2020
English (Gr).

Learn about masculine or feminine gender by watching video. Open your workbook at page 14 or write the feminine gender of the following words.
07 – 07 – 2020
English  (lit)
Poem : This Morning is Our History Test

• Learn the use of articles by watching video or fill in the blanks for revision. (pg#26)
• Do revision of masculine or feminine gender by making list of people or animal.
08– 07– 2020
English (lit)
Lesson 3: Robinson Crusoe

Comparative and Superlative
Learn about comparison of Adverbs by watching video or add suitable comparative or superlative degree of the following words (pg#33).
09– 07 – 2020
English (Gr).
Lesson 3: Robinson Crusoe
For more revision: fill in the blanks with comparative or
Superlative words. (Workbook pg#20).
10– 07 – 2020
English (Gr).
Applications: Sick leave urgent piece of work.
Make self-test of both applications.

Week # 13:   (06-07-2020) - Subject: Urdu

06 – 07 – 2020
اردو ادب             
سبق نمبر 9 انٹر نیٹ اور ای میل صفحہ نمبر 49
سبق کی ریڈنگ کرنا ہوگی ، مشکل الفاظ کے معانی لکھنے اور یاد کرنے نیز کتاب پر موجود
ایم سی کیوز حل کریں۔
07 – 07- 2020
مندرجہ ذیل الفاظ کو جملوں میں استعمال کریں
ایی میل ۔ خط ، انٹرنیٹ، نیٹ ورک، ٹیلی فون ،
کتاب سے سواالت کے مختصر جواب دیں ۔
08 – 07 - 2020
اسم معرفہ کی تعریف کریں اور اسم معرفہ کی اقسام لکھیں اور یاد کریں
09 - 07–2020
اردو گرائمر:
لفظوں میں گنتی پچاس تا ساٹھ تک گنتی لکھیں نیز صفحہ نمبر 56 پر جملوں کی
درستگی لکھیں اور یاد کریں۔
10 – 07 – 2020
صفحہ نمبر 43 پر ہم آواز الفا ظ یا د کر یں۔ 

Week # 13:   (06-07-2020) - Subject: Mathematics

06 – 07– 2020
Revision of chp#7
Topic: Angles
Video is being attached for you to understand the topic in a 
better way.

Do practice of ex#7a.
07– 07– 2020
Do practice of ex#7b. video link which is attached in Monday 
diary will help you to understand better.
08- 07-2020
 Topic: Triangles (types of triangles with reference to sides and

Click on the video link watch and make it understand.
09-07 – 2020
Do practice of ex#7c.(Q.1 to Q.6)
10– 07 – 2020
Do practice of remaining questions of ex#7c.

Week # 13:   (06-07-2020) - Subject: Science

06- 07– 2020
 Topic: The animal kingdom
Page #9, do revision of the animal kingdom, invertebrates (sponges, coelenterates, tentacles, worms). Here is a video being attached hope it will help you to understand little better. Watch and try to make it understand.

07 -07– 2020
Topic: The animal kingdom
Page #11, vertebrates (fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals). Revise the mentioned topics only as it was told before. Video is being attached watch and make it understand.

08 -07– 2020
Topic: Exercise (Unit #1)
Revise the full exercise of the chapter (all the answer questions and the columns) by taking help from your text book.
09-07 – 2020
Unit #2: Reproduction in animals
Topic: Reproduction in butterflies
Page #17; revise the definition of reproduction and the next topic reproduction in butterflies. Do revision from your book.
A video upon life cycle of butterfly is being attached here. Hopefully it would help you to understand better.

10 – 07– 2020
Topic: Reproduction in fish
Page #18, do revision of reproduction in fish and the life cycle stages of a fish.

Week # 13:   (06-07-2020) - Subject: Social Studies

06 – 07 – 2020
10 -07 – 2020
Watch all these videos to know about the major climatic regions of the World and of Pakistan.

Revise chap major climatic regions of the world.
Revise The climate of Pakistan.
Revise Climate affects the way we live.
Revise Green House effect.
Revise Effects of human activities on climate

Week # 13:   (06-07-2020) - Subject: Computer

06– 07 – 2020
10 - 07- 2020
Answers of the questions are given below:
1- What is GW-BASIC?
Ans. GW-BASIC is a programming language that uses simple English language words to give introduction to computer. Programs in GW-BASIC are written using statements and commands consisting of English words, digits, mathematical symbols and punctuation marks.
2- Define command and statement.
Ans. A command is an instruction for the computer to perform a task not related to a specific program. A statement is an instruction for the computer to perform an action within the program.
3- What is a significance of syntax?
Ans. Significance is a set of rules for writing commands and statements in a programming language. Each programming language has its own syntax. We should write the commands and statements in the correct syntax to enable the computer to follow those instructions accurately.
4- List three commands used in GW-BASICS with their functions?
Ans. Three commands are used in GW-BASICS are LOAD, LIST and RUN. The LOAD command is used to bring a program from secondary storage to primary storage so it can be executed.
The LIST command instructs the computer to list the steps of the program on the screen.
The RUN command tells the computer to execute the program.

Week # 13:   (06-07-2020) - Subject: Islamiat

06 -07 – 2020
Reviews chapter
حضرت عثمان رضی ہللا تعال عنہ ی
Learn and write Question no1 on your rough register.
Learn and write Question no 2.
Learn and write Question no 3 on your rough register.
Learn and write Question no 4. Do writing practice as well.