Sunday, April 12, 2020

Week # 2 ---- class 2

Parents’ Guideline: Class 2

Week # 2:   (13-04-2020)  – Subject: English Literature
            Date: 13-04-2020                  Day: Monday
                         Topic:    The Rainbow
                 Reading: Read the poem.
                                 Practice the dictation words.
                  Sail, Rivers, Seas, Clouds, Across, Prettier, Please, Bridges,
                  Heaven, Overtops
                 Learn: Words/meanings given in text book above the lessons.
Something curved like an arch
The sky
Rivers over top of
When a boat travel on water
More beautiful or better looking


               Date: 14-04-2020                  Day: Tuesday
                         Topic:    The Rainbow
             Comprehension page #5
              A: Understanding the Poem (Page # 9)
                   Answer these Questions.
           1. Where do boats sail?
               The boats sail on the rivers.

           2. Where do the ships sail?
               The ships sail on the seas.

           3. What are two prettiest things in the poem?
                The two prettiest things in the poem are the rainbow
                and clouds across the sky.

           4. What sails on the sky?
               The clouds sail on the sky.

           5. What is another name for bow that bridges heaven?
               The rainbows.
           6. Is there a difference between a boat and ship?
               The boat is small while the ship is very big.
              Date: 15-04-2020                  Day: Wednesday
                         Topic:    The Rainbow
           What are they? Find these words in the poem.
        Words in the poem
     A. Better looking-Prettier
     B. The planet on which we live-earth
     C. It is built to cross over river-bridges
     D. We can sail in these-ships
     E. White and fluffy it floats in the sky-clouds

           B: Working with words (page # 9)

      Join a word in A with a word in B to make a new word.
New words
















       C. Learning about language (page # 10)

           Underline all the nouns in the following
           Tiny Trim was playing in the kitchen.
           He stood on a chair next to the skin.
           Water was coming out of the top.
           He put his thumb under the hole in the tap.
          The water went all over the floor.
           It went all over his face too.

                Date: 16-04-2020                  Day: Thursday
                         Topic:    The Rainbow

             D: Listening and speaking (page # 10)
        Write rhyming words

Rhyming Words
Difficult words

Very difficult words

A. Pen - ten
A. Crow - grow

A. You - do

B. Man - pan
B. Bend - mend

B. Read - bed

C. Log - dog
C. Bud - cud

C. Ate - gate

D. Bun - gun
D. Eat - meat

D. Girl - curl

E. Tin - pin
E. Catch - match

F. Tub - rub
F. Hand - band

G. Bit - kit
G. Boy - toy

H. Leg - beg
H. Try - fry

          Date: 16-04-2020                  Day: Thursday
                         Topic:    The Rainbow

          E: Composition (page # 11)
          Draw a rainbow and write few sentences about it.
         1. It is rain bow.
         2. It has seven colours.
         3. Its colours are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet.
         4. It appears in the sky after rain.
         5. It looks very beautiful.

Week # 2:   (13-04-2020)  – Subject: English Grammar
            Date: 13-04-2020                  Day: Monday
                         Topic:    Noun
              Page # 5, Learn the definition given in the box.
             Date: 14-04-2020                  Day: Tuesday
                         Topic:    Noun
         Learn Page # 6, pick out noun from the following sentences
                  and say whether they are proper or common.
         Answers are given. (----) means without.
Common noun
Proper noun
Book, shelf
Town, rat
Bird, branch
Rafay, Lahore, Friday
Eiffel Tower, Paris
Umar, Bobo

              Date: 15-04-2020                  Day: Wednesday
                         Topic:    Noun
         Page # 6; Write 12 common noun by yourselves.
                (Thing from house, kitchen, toys)
               Date: 16-04-2020                  Day: Thursday
                         Topic:    Noun
         Page # 6; Write 12 Proper noun by yourselves.
            (places, persons, famous buildings)
Week # 2:   (13-04-2020)  – Subject: Mathematics
            Date: 13-04-2020                  Day: Monday
                         Topic:    Page # 11 & 12
           Do Practice of page # 11 and 12 on rough register.
           Learn and write table of 6
            Date: 14-04-2020                  Day: Tuesday
                         Topic:    Page # 13
  Do Practice of page # 13 and 14 on rough register.
  Solve the given sums   

Evaluation sheet:
     Write back word counting:
        50____,  _____,  ____,  46 , ____ , _____.

        33____,  _____,  30,  ____ ,  _____  , 27.

       19 _____,   17,  ____ ,  _____  ,14 ,  _____.

             Date: 15-04-2020                      Day: Wednesday
                         Topic:    Page # 15
    Do Practice of page # 15 and 16 on rough register.
    Write the missing Numbers
          2 x 2 = _____         4 × 6 = _____
          5 × 7 = _____         6 × 6 = _____

           Date: 16-04-2020                      Day: Thursday
                          Topic:    Page # 17
                 Do Practice of Page #17 and 18 on rough register.
        Learn and write table of 7.


              Date: 17-04-2020                      Day: Friday
                               Topic:    Page # 19 & 20
  Do Practice of page # 19 and 20 on rough register.
       Evaluation sheet:
                  Write number name.
         98___________         14 _________
         73___________         37_________
         59___________         40_________
Week # 2:   (13-04-2020)  – Subject: Science
            Date: 13-04-2020                  Day: Monday
                         Topic:    Wild Animals
               Reading of the lesson.
               Practice these words for dictation.
              Forest      birds    Tiger       Owl      Zebra
             Snakes      herbivores    Carnivores    Omnivores      Danger.
          Date: 14-04-2020                  Day: Tuesday
                         Topic:    Wild Animals
                Read and write the words in copy.
Wild animals:
Animals that live in forest are called wild animals.
Animals that eat only plants are called herbivores.
Animals that kill and eat other animals are called carnivores.
Animals that eat both plants and animals are called omnivores.

            Date: 15-04-2020                   Day: Wednesday
                           Topic:    Wild Animals
           Answer these following questions:
           Tick the correct option.
           Fill in the blanks.
           Tick and cross.
           Match the animal with their homes. Page # 26 & 27
              Date: 16-04-2020                  Day: Thursday
                           Topic:    Wild Animals
       Q # 4: Answer these questions in copy.
      1: Write down the names of any three wild animals.
      Ans:   Lion      Tiger    Zebra
      2:  Define wild animals.
     Ans: Animals that live in forests are called wild animals.
      3: Which animals help to keep the forest clean?
    Ans: Animals like vulture, hyena and fox help to keep the forest clean.
      Q # 4: Name those animals that are in danger.
    Ans: Lion, Tiger, Panda and Rhinoceros are in danger.
       Q # 5: Why human beings killed those animals?
   Ans: Human beings killed those animals for skin, fur and medicines.
      Q # 6: Why we need to save wild animals?
    Ans:  If we don’t save wild animals now, we may not find them in coming years.
Week # 2:   (13-04-2020)  – Subject: Social Studies
            Date: 13-04-2020                  Day: Monday
                         Topic:    A Village
               Reading of the lesson.
               Practice these words for dictation.
          Visited,    Farm,    Places,     Cobbler,   Innocent
          Field,   Mosque,    Simple,   Muddy,    Peacock
             Date: 14-04-2020                  Day: Tuesday
                         Topic:    A Village
            Fill in the blanks.
1.    I visited a farm in village.
2.     The places in villages are Primary school, Mosque and Fields.
3.    The villagers are live in muddy houses.
4.    The villagers are very loving and caring.
5.    The air of village is pure.
             Date: 15-04-2020                  Day: Wednesday
                         Topic:    A Village
           Learn the given question answers.
  Q#1: Have you ever visited a farm? What did you see there?
   Ans: Yes I visited a farm in village. I saw many sheep, goats, lambs, horses, hens, peacock and ducks.
  Q#2: Write any five places in village.
  Ans: Primary school, Mosque, Fields, Farm and Cobbler shop.
  Q#3: Write any five lines about village life.
   Ans: 1. The villagers are live in muddy houses.
           2. The villagers are very loving and caring.
           3. The air of village is pure.
           4. The villagers are very innocent.
          5. The villagers spend very simple life.

             Date: 16-04-2020                  Day: Thursday
                         Topic:    A Village
       Write few things that you can see in a village.
          (Places, professions)


دوسرا  ہفتہ:       13اپریل   2020       –      مضمون  :  اُردو ادب

        تاریخ: 2020-04- 13                            دِن: سوموار      
                        عنوان:      عظیم رہنما                
   صفحہ نمبر15 پڑھیں۔ اور املاء کے الفاظ یاد کریں۔                                          
     اندھیرا  ،  مضبوط ،  بھروسا ،  نا انصافی ،  حوصلہ           

     تاریخ: 2020-04- 14                                   دِن: منگل      
                   عنوان:      عظیم رہنما    
صفحہ نمبر 16 اور 17 حل کریں۔
خالی جگہ کے جوابات درج ذیل ہیں۔
1۔ بڑا     2۔  وکالت  3۔  اِرادے     4۔ 1947    5۔  عظیم رہنما
 الفاظ کے جملے بنائیں۔




       تاریخ: 2020-04- 15                                   دِن: بدھ      
                   عنوان:      عظیم رہنما    
سوالوں کے جواب یاد کریں۔
۔   کیونکہ وہ بچہ بڑا آدمی بننا چاہتا ہے۔
2۔    محنتی بچہ اعلیٰ تعلیم حاصل کرنے انگلستان چلا گیا۔
3۔   "قاعداعظم" کا مطلب ہے "عظیم رہنما"۔
4۔    پاکستان کے بانی قاعداعظم محمد علی جناح ہیں۔
5۔     کیونکہ آپ  مسلمانوں کے عظیم رہنما ہیں۔



    تاریخ: 2020-04-16                                   دِن:  جمعرات      
                     عنوان:      عظیم رہنما    
بانی پاکستان پر پانچ جملے لکھیں۔
۔   قاعداعظم مسلمانوں کے عظیم رہنما ہیں۔
2۔    آپ نے مسلمانوں کے الگ وطن کے لیے کو ششیں کیں۔
3۔   برصغیر کے مسلمانوں کو آزادی دِلوائی۔
4۔    محنت اور ہمت سے مسلمانوں کو آزاد کروایا۔
5۔     ایمان ، اتحاد اور تنظیم کا درس دیا۔


دوسرا  ہفتہ:  13     اپریل  2020       –      مضمون  :  اُردو گرائمر

تاریخ: 2020-04- 13                                دِن: سوموار                                    عنوان:      لفظ کی اقسام
صفحہ نمبر 11 حل کریں اور یاد کریں ۔


تاریخ: 2020-04- 14                              دِن: منگل
عنوان:      لفظ کی اقسام
صفحہ نمبر 12 حل کریں اور یاد کریں ۔


تاریخ: 2020-04- 15                           دِن: بدھ                                                                            عنوان:     لفظ کی اقسام
صفحہ نمبر 11 اور 12 کی دہرائی کریں۔

دوسرا ہفتہ:  13     اپریل       2020       –      مضمون  :  اِسلامیات

      تاریخ: 2020-04- 13                         دِن: سوموار
                    عنوان:      سورۃالناس (انسان) 
       صفحہ نمبر 9 کتابی مشق حل کریں اور یاد کریں۔

       تاریخ: 2020-04- 14                           دِن: منگل                           عنوان:      قرآن مجید (حصہ اول)
            صفحہ نمبر 10 پڑھیں اور کسی پانچ الفاظ کے جوڑ توڑ لکھ کر مشق کریں۔   

     تاریخ: 2020-04-15                            دِن: بدھ                                          
      عنوان:      قرآن مجید (حصہ اول)
            صفحہ نمبر 11 کے پہلے دو سوالوں کے جواب یاد کریں۔
      جواب 1:   
اللہ تعالیٰ لی نازل کردہ آخری کتاب کا نام قرآن مجید ہے۔
  جواب 2:
        قرآن کے معنی ہیں "پڑھنا"۔